Now cast_to_varchar2 is expecting a RAW type (binary). o dbms_lob.substr( CLOB ) returns a varchar2 - I'm assuming MSG_TEXT is a CLOB here (you don't say).See (Redshift documentation for expression syntax) See (Redshift documentation) Similar to: Matches the value in the Input Column with a SQL standard regular expression pattern in the Value column. See (Redshift documentation) ILike: Case insensitive match of the value in the Input Column and the pattern in the Value Column.Without further ado, let’s have a look at some Notepad++ Linux alternatives. All the text editors listed here are chosen based on these criteria. I say the basic features should be lightweightness, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, a appealing GUI, multi-language support, macros, regex searching and a good number of additional plugins.GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Cheat sheet for Spark Dataframes (using Python).Until these are offered as built-in functions, you can access them via RAWSQL. Currently Regex functions are not supported on Redshift as built in functions in Tableau.The standard C++ library provides support for regular expressions in the